St James Episcopal Church is the longest continuing religious group in Manitowoc County, with the first documented gathering of the forming congregation in 1841. Please scroll through this page to learn about our Church Leadership, Mission, Vision, Core Values, and What We Believe.
Church Leadership
Church Staff
Rector – The Rev'd Brian Staude (Pastor Brian)
Treasurer – Linda Molitor
Sextons (custodians) – Nick Doszkewycz & Marian Doszkewycz
Vestry (elected Church Council/spiritual leadership team)
Senior Warden – Chris Dee Eggert-Rosenthal
Junior Warden – Mary Green
Vestrypersons – Dave Dillman, Eleanor Agnew, & Fred Hass
Clerk (legal signatory for congregation--elected by Vestry) – Teri Wagner
Treasurer (elected by Vestry) – Linda Molitor
Trustees (elected)
Eleanor Agnew (2022-2024), Sherry Paszkiewicz (2023-2025), & Teri Wagner (2024-2026)
Diocesan Convention Delegates for 2024 (usually elected; appointed by Vestry for 2024)
Chris Eggert-Rosenthal & Mary Green
As part of a connectional denomination, St James Episcopal Church is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin
Bishop - The Rt Rev'd Matthew Gunter, Bishop of Wisconsin
Rector – The Rev'd Brian Staude (Pastor Brian)
Treasurer – Linda Molitor
Sextons (custodians) – Nick Doszkewycz & Marian Doszkewycz
Vestry (elected Church Council/spiritual leadership team)
Senior Warden – Chris Dee Eggert-Rosenthal
Junior Warden – Mary Green
Vestrypersons – Dave Dillman, Eleanor Agnew, & Fred Hass
Clerk (legal signatory for congregation--elected by Vestry) – Teri Wagner
Treasurer (elected by Vestry) – Linda Molitor
Trustees (elected)
Eleanor Agnew (2022-2024), Sherry Paszkiewicz (2023-2025), & Teri Wagner (2024-2026)
Diocesan Convention Delegates for 2024 (usually elected; appointed by Vestry for 2024)
Chris Eggert-Rosenthal & Mary Green
As part of a connectional denomination, St James Episcopal Church is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin
Bishop - The Rt Rev'd Matthew Gunter, Bishop of Wisconsin
The Mission of St James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc is: Sharing God's Love Through Action.
The Vision of St James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc is to be: An inviting safe community for all.
Core Values
The Core Values of our congregation help answer the question: Why do we do what we do around here? They express what we stand for, what we’re about, and what makes us different from other congregations. Our Core Values express our congregation’s unique culture, helping guests and newcomers quickly learn important things about us. They guide our decision making, goal setting, ministry priorities, budgeting, and best use of human and material resources. Our Core Values are deeply held by the congregation and have been demonstrated in actions. They are actual, not aspirational. Here are the Core Values of St James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc.
We Value Acceptance & Open-mindedness
All people need a place where they can feel safe and have a sense of belonging. We value differences, embrace brokenness, and see God in all who we encounter. We are an inclusive community of faith that welcomes and celebrates diversity in age, race, nation of origin, citizenship status, gender identity, sexual orientation, social status, political view, background, criminal record, ability level, marital status, and anything else that makes us unique. We offer support, encouragement, and forgiveness to all people.
We Value Creativity, Flexibility, & Innovation
As the world evolves, so do the ways we reach out to people. We learn from the ways Jesus challenged the status quo in encouraging others to love God and neighbor. We expect the unexpected and try to be open and agile in our responses. We are approachable and authentic in our worship, relationships, and ministries. We are all learning and growing, and we believe that leads to change. We seek to use all the unique skills, gifts, and passions God has given us to share.
We Value Sharing God’s Love
The Good News is that God loves all people, and we joyfully share that message with the world. We are broken people discovering healing together; we love people who are hurting and do what we can to help with physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. We listen for the needs of our community and respond with the resources God has entrusted to our care. We make a difference by serving our community and world.
We Value Acceptance & Open-mindedness
All people need a place where they can feel safe and have a sense of belonging. We value differences, embrace brokenness, and see God in all who we encounter. We are an inclusive community of faith that welcomes and celebrates diversity in age, race, nation of origin, citizenship status, gender identity, sexual orientation, social status, political view, background, criminal record, ability level, marital status, and anything else that makes us unique. We offer support, encouragement, and forgiveness to all people.
We Value Creativity, Flexibility, & Innovation
As the world evolves, so do the ways we reach out to people. We learn from the ways Jesus challenged the status quo in encouraging others to love God and neighbor. We expect the unexpected and try to be open and agile in our responses. We are approachable and authentic in our worship, relationships, and ministries. We are all learning and growing, and we believe that leads to change. We seek to use all the unique skills, gifts, and passions God has given us to share.
We Value Sharing God’s Love
The Good News is that God loves all people, and we joyfully share that message with the world. We are broken people discovering healing together; we love people who are hurting and do what we can to help with physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. We listen for the needs of our community and respond with the resources God has entrusted to our care. We make a difference by serving our community and world.
What We Believe
For more information about our particular Christian beliefs, please visit this page on our denomination's web site.